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" A student learns a quarter from the teacher, a quarter from own intelligence (through the process), a quarter from fellow students (through the environment) and the rest in course of time (when he starts teaching and internalizing) "
Based on this Sanskrit proverb, at Vyoma, We have a 'learning-centric' approach.
There are 4 steps which enable end to end learning.
Every individual has a taste and preference of his own.
लोको भिन्नरुचि: says the ancient Sanskrit adage.
Our Rishis always wanted everyone to be happy and purposeful. They
have lived only for the sake of happiness of others. They always
considered the world as their own family, वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् and worked
tirelessly for the real happiness of everyone in the family.
‘Explore more’ to know the 14 aspects attempted by Vyoma, to enable everyone’s learning.
Pranams to the scholars who are selflessly spreading knowledge